How do i find if my home glass is safe for childcare?

house window tinting

There are a few straightforward ways to determine if your home glass meets safety standards. The first method is as simple as contacting the window manufacturer who installed your glass. They should have accurate information on your glass type, making it an easy and reliable option.

Another reliable method is to look for a safety standard sticker on the glass. This sticker, which should say AS/NZS2208, is of safety compliance, but it can be a bit overwhelming.

The third method involves checking the glass thickness with a glass thickness and lamination indicator device. This is crucial as it can tell you the exact thickness of the glass and whether it is laminated, which are key factors in safety compliance.

The fourth solution is to contact the Tint Minister team. They have state-of-the-art devices that can pinpoint the thickness and confirm whether your glass is laminated ( safety standard compliant).



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